Tuesday, August 23, 2011

24hr Metta is born

24hr Metta is born, marked by the conceptualisation of the logo which encapsulates the significance and importance of this event that will take place in the 24 hours that straddle between 2011 and 2012.

Initiated by Aloka Foundation, 24hr Metta is dedicated to illuminate the world with loving kindness and foster peace and harmony. It will bring Buddhists together in the practice of metta round the clock for world peace, stability and harmony.

In the 24hr Metta logo above, the opening of the petals depicts the single effort of individuals, as in the single petals, opening up the lotus heart. Together, the petals, as in individuals collectively, radiate as a blooming lotus.

The 12 petals start small, gather strength and grow larger with metta as it go clockwise to depict the round-the-clock effect, thus enhancing the 24hr Metta theme. The colour and shades of the petals transform to represent the inclusivity of the three Buddhist traditions.

Watch this space for more on 24hr Metta as it unfolds!

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