Thursday, November 5, 2009


Fit smoke alarms and test them regularly
Have a fire escape plan and practise it often
Check and rectify fire dangers at home
Carry out last-thing-at-night routine

These are just the Four Golden Rules that Supt M Murugiah, Special Operation Unit Officer of Fire and Rescue Department recommends to adhere to for fire safety at home.

Why smoke alarms? Speaking on "Individual and Family Fire Safety" at the recent ALERT National Workshop, Supt Murugiah says one's sense of smell does not work when one is asleep and smoke can put one into even deeper sleep!

He advises fitting at least two smoke alarms (see picture of participants checking out the smoke alarms on display at ALERT Workshop) for a double-storey house, one on each floor. For better protection, have a smoke alarm in every room except the bathroom, kitchen and garage. And fit the alarms at the highest point of the room as close to the centre of the room as possible.

Escape Plan

Supt Murugiah shared the following tips on escaping from a fire:
* Check doors with back of hand and don't open them when they are hot. This means that the fire is one the other side
* Get down and crawl along the floor is there is smoke. The air is cleaner and easier to breathe
* Don't go and look for the cause of the fire
* Head for your pre-determined assembly point outside the house

Check Fire Dangers
According to Supt Murugiah, common places in the house for fire to start are living room, bedroom amd kitchen at night when the occupants are asleep. He cautions on usage of electrical items such as mobile phone chargers. Unplug them after use and allow them to cool completely before putting them away.

Last Thing At Night
Do not leave the television, radio or audio system on standby mode. Only applicances designed for 24-hour use such as refrigerators, freezers should be left unplugged in the night. Also check every room and close all doors before going to bed.

And remember, unplug mobile phone charger when not in use.

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