Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Have You Registered Yet?

Have you registered for Aloka Foundation's 24hr Metta event? Yes, the round-the-clock chanting at SJK (C) Sungai Way, Jln SS 9A/1, Petaling Jaya from 31 December 2011 to 1 January 2012 for world peace, stability and harmony.

But wait a minute. Questions are popping in your head. Why do I have to register for chanting? And also why do I have to contribute RM30 for registration? These questions begged to be answered.

Registration is required to assist the Organising Committee in planning and anticipating the crowd during the 24 hours. It is also for the Organising Committee to maintain regular communications with registrants, which then serves to remind and update registrants on the event.

The common response from people at our promotional roadshows are: "I don't know where I’ll be (during New Year’s eve and New Year’s day)… I don’t know what I'll do then… I can’t commit myself to this yet…". This only reinforces the need for registration.

The RM30 contribution also serves as a form of commitment. On top to that, the RM30 entitles one to a metta kit or goody bag comprising a compendium of metta book, a candle in a glass which is to be a light offering to be made to the Triple Gem, etc. Part of the RM30 will also be utilised a contribution to the sanghika dana.

For the convenience of many, registration can be made online via and payment can also be made online via ipay88.

Register now and be part of this landmark even that will illuminate the world with metta and foster peace, stability and harmony. What a great way to usher in the new year!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reflection 2

By Lee Soo Lim, Singapore

Bodhi leaves share the same root. Human beings too, have the same nature and live on the same boat. Boat of no self, impermanence and suffering.

We are the Bodhi leaves, living on the same tree and sharing the same environment. When the environment or surrounding is on fire, we will all face the fury of fire. If any single leaf catches fire, the entire tree will be in trouble. Hence, we need to extinguish our inner fire and live peacefully with others. Only when others are happy will we then be happy. When others are in trouble so will we. We need to have the knowledge to live with those around us as well as within ourselves.

Similarly, only when there is peace and harmony within ourselves, then there will be a tangible benefit that is useful for exploration.

The Four Basic Values: Self Discipline, Respect, Gratitude and Equanimity enable one to live happily with oneself and others. In fact, the so called Four Basic Values are not 'basic'. They are the gems of mankind, worthy of practice and upholding. As the monks show these qualities during Pinapata, they are worthy of veneration, respect and gifts.

I wonder long in this Samsara, in the quest for the true teachings and eventually found this supreme teaching unintentionally. I, Dhammasiri was touched and in tears during the Pinapata Novitiate 2010. Dear Comrades, Brothers and Sisters in Dhamma. Quick! Follow me! Keep watching the activities of our Mind and practice all the Four Basic Values with diligent effort.

Emptiness encompasses ‘Somethingness’ and ‘Nothingness’. Shower in the midst of rainfall-like arrows of Mara`s army and troops. Let Emptiness identify and encompass the action and reaction, right and wrong. Let Maras disappear. Empty as it is. Equanimity and composure.

Words from Dhammasiri: The mind is enlightened because the mind knows suffering; the cause and cessation of suffering, and therefore frees itself from suffering. Taking refuge in Dhamma is refuge in Nibbana. Mind arises due to ignorance. Mind ceases due to Nibbana. No one enters Nibbana but Mind itself (Maras disappear).

I would like to offer my sincerest Thank You to Bhante Mahinda and Sister Sumitra, who organised the Novitiate program, an unforgettable lifetime experience for me. Thank you to all the Monks and Nuns, Dhamma Followers, Helpers, Merchants, Workers and all the `Past Lives Parents` who were present and around me. Lastly, my daughter Jiali who encouraged me to join this precious Novitiate program of a lifetime.

Sarnath - A Reflection on the Novitiate Programme

By Adrian Lim, Australia (Samanera Sumedha – 2009 Sarnath)

I never thought I would ever attend the novitiate programme. Two weeks in monk robes, two meals a day, communal temple living, and all the associated restrictions – it all sounded too difficult. Each year as I heard about the novitiate, I would rationalise all the reasons why I could not go – too busy, no leave, other things I had to do – but underlying it all, I was simply not ready.

Unexpectedly then, and at the last minute in September 2009, I decided to sign up for the novitiate programme in Sarnath. I suddenly felt that I was overdue for a “spiritual time out” and that it was time to replenish my fast-depleting “merits bank”. After all, I had often heard Venerable Mahinda’s catch-cry that “the novitiate is an experience that you will never forget in this lifetime, and perhaps future lifetimes”. Though I did not understand precisely why and how the experience would be “unforgettable”, at the time I just wanted to believe it. I also thought that by spending two weeks in one of the four Buddhist holy sites (and enduring all the discomfort outside of my comfort zone), I would at least receive lots of divine blessings and my life would be set for greater things! If I could achieve all of this, surely surviving the two weeks would all be worth it.

Some of you reading this may know what I mean by “surviving the two weeks”. Yes, on the one hand, you want some time to reconnect with your spiritual self, but then the thought of committing two whole weeks in India and enduring the hardship is a little much to bear.

“Really…what will the toilets be like – will there be hot water? Do we get beds? Will I able to sleep in a room with so many people – what happens if there are snorers – and mosquitoes? And I have to wake up at 5am and no dinner?”

You then start to rationalise that perhaps your time and money could be better spent on a holiday elsewhere. After all, you’ve worked hard and you deserve something more enjoyable - and so in this familiar manner, the novitiate is put off for yet another year.

All these quiet questions and inner doubts are understandable (if like me, you’ve become that attached to all the mundane comforts of your life). And therein lies a point. As I realised during the programme, the novitiate is in part an experience that shows us the potential to live a simpler way of life away from all our modern conveniences, yet at the same time still be truly contented and happy. Yes the first days of the programme are hard to adjust to, but in that process, you begin to recognise all your unconscious external dependencies that you assumed to be necessary in your life. And beyond that, how being free from it all is somehow liberating – and that, of itself, is not a bad thing.

But as I now contemplate further, what I learnt was far more than just about leading a simpler way of life. All of the procrastinations, doubts and challenges I feared about the novitiate was in many respects also a personal test of my sincerity in wanting to lead a more spiritual way of life – in some ways becoming like mirror of all the compromises I was making to being (or not being?) a spiritual person. In this manner, the external experience of the novitiate provides an opportunity for internal reflection on what you truly want from your life, what makes you happy, and most importantly, how important is all of this to you.

Nothing quite prepares you for the outward experience of undertaking the spiritual vows at a Buddhist holy site, and its ability to deeply engage and open your mind and heart for the spiritual quest within. The setting of Sarnath, as the place where the Buddha chose to preach his first sermon, both in its symbolism and a fountain source of spiritual energies, could not have been a more fitting backdrop for the 2009 novitiate programme. Taking the vows of a samanera (or novice monk) in the Mulaghanda Kuti Vihara, meditating before the sacred Dhammika stupa, chanting the Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta each night in the very place where the Buddha first uttered it, and walking in the footsteps of the Buddha on our almsround or pindapatta, are moments hard to describe in terms of its deep spiritual impact.

And the internal transformation you undergo is unquestionable, however subtle and whether or not you may realise it at the time. As the shared experiences of the novitiate participants have shown, each person’s objectives / experience may differ from the next, but most agree that the inner transformational experience is profound and encompassing. To participate in a programme that has the genuine capacity to re-engage one’s inner spiritual self, and in the process embrace qualities such as love, compassion, humility, contentment and gratitude, is to experience the Buddha’s teachings unfold in one’s own heart and mind. It is in this respect that Venerable Mahinda’s statement that the novitiate is an “unforgettable experience” truly has an enduring context and power.

So finally, if you are reading this and still contemplating to join a novitiate programme or a spiritual retreat - put all your procrastinations to one side - and just make the decision to do it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

24hr Metta is born

24hr Metta is born, marked by the conceptualisation of the logo which encapsulates the significance and importance of this event that will take place in the 24 hours that straddle between 2011 and 2012.

Initiated by Aloka Foundation, 24hr Metta is dedicated to illuminate the world with loving kindness and foster peace and harmony. It will bring Buddhists together in the practice of metta round the clock for world peace, stability and harmony.

In the 24hr Metta logo above, the opening of the petals depicts the single effort of individuals, as in the single petals, opening up the lotus heart. Together, the petals, as in individuals collectively, radiate as a blooming lotus.

The 12 petals start small, gather strength and grow larger with metta as it go clockwise to depict the round-the-clock effect, thus enhancing the 24hr Metta theme. The colour and shades of the petals transform to represent the inclusivity of the three Buddhist traditions.

Watch this space for more on 24hr Metta as it unfolds!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Metta Bhavana

by Loh Lee Lee

Metta Bhavana. Does it sound familiar to you? What does it mean to you? Do you know we have Metta Bhavana session every night at Aloka House?

What is Metta Bhavana? Metta Bhavana(MB) is a daily chanting and meditation session at Aloka House. For most people MB is just another chanting session held in a temple or any Buddhist Center. For me, it is more than that.

I have been leading the 3rd Wednesday MB session for some time until one day I was requested to chant solo! Normally, we will chant following Bhante Mahinda's chanting CD when leading the session. I panicked! Chanting without the CD as guide is new for me! What if I could not remember the full sequence? What if I chanted wrongly? What if I forget the words! What if this happen? What if that happen? Lots of things played in my mind! With the encouragement given by the senior MB coordinator, I braved myself to lead the session. To my surprise... I enjoyed the whole experience... the feeling of being a follower in chanting and a person who actually lead was very different. It was as though I was talking to the Buddha directly during the chant. I could feel the connection with the Triple Gem! My whole body was energised and happy at the end of the session. It was an amazing experience!

I also discovered the correct pronunciation to some of the chant (as advised later by the senior MB coordinator); which means that all these years I chanted the Pali words wrong while I thought I chanted right :P

Now, I look forward to the MB session! After a stressful day at work, my mind will become peaceful, energised and happy after the MB session. So, for all of you who have not attended any MB session I strongly encouraged you to attend. And try to lead some of the sessions. I can guarantee that you will not regret it! Do not worry! I will be most happy to guide you through the whole session. And those who have been away for some time in participating in the MB session, do come back and connect yourself to the Triple Gem again!

See you all during the Metta Bhavana session every 3rd Wednesday evening!


Metta Bhavana is conducted daily at Aloka House. 3C team leads lead the sessions as follows:

1st Wednesday. Lim Chung Lu, PJ Group Lead

2nd Monday...... Ang Cheng Tuan, Sakyan Group Lead

3rd Wednesday Loh Lee Lee, Sati Group Lead

All other evenings are led by one of the committee members of Metta Bhavana.

Weekdays: 8pm ~ 9pm
Weekends: 6pm ~ 7pm

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Masala Tea (2)

Please click on picture to enlarge.
Recipe provided by Ivan Ho.

Masala Tea (1)

Please click picture to enlarge.
Recipe provided by Ivan Ho.


by Lee Soo Lim, Singapore

I would like to share what I learnt from the 2010 Novitiate Programme in Kushinara, India.

(1) Four basic values: Self Discipline, Gratitude, Respect and Equanimity from the Pindapata.

(2) Living a simple life is a happy life.

(3) Away from craving. Free from worldly distractions and pollution.

(4) In short, understand the Four Noble Truth, follow the Noble Eightfold Path and Middle Path to be free from the conceited world. This would in turn lead us to realise our intrinsic nature which are: Loving Kindness, Compassion and Purity.

Bodhi Tree - The past lives parents' tree, the tree of ‘LOVE’'. Crowned by the countless heart-shape leaves, signifying countless past lives parents' love.

Parents' love is endless and boundless even at their deathbed, they are still concerned about their children...

Alas... been loved by countless parents... in the past... unknowingly...

In this mighty Samsara, governed by the law of Rebirth and Karma, no self and impermanence. This is indeed Suffering. Realised have been separated from so many parents' love. Unable to help them by preaching to them the Dhamma to release them from Samsara...

During the 2010 Novitiate, Bhante Mahinda asked the assembled before we departed from the Korean Temple:

“Anybody not happy?”

Dhammasiri raised his hand...

Words from Dhammasiri: Refuge in the Buddha is refuge in our nature. Mind arises due to delusion. Mind ceases due to enlightenment. No one is enlightened but the Mind itself.

Special Thank You to Bhante, Sister Sumitra, Dhamma followers, all the temple monks and nuns, helpers and 'all the past lives parents' who were present and around me.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!