Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reflection 2

By Lee Soo Lim, Singapore

Bodhi leaves share the same root. Human beings too, have the same nature and live on the same boat. Boat of no self, impermanence and suffering.

We are the Bodhi leaves, living on the same tree and sharing the same environment. When the environment or surrounding is on fire, we will all face the fury of fire. If any single leaf catches fire, the entire tree will be in trouble. Hence, we need to extinguish our inner fire and live peacefully with others. Only when others are happy will we then be happy. When others are in trouble so will we. We need to have the knowledge to live with those around us as well as within ourselves.

Similarly, only when there is peace and harmony within ourselves, then there will be a tangible benefit that is useful for exploration.

The Four Basic Values: Self Discipline, Respect, Gratitude and Equanimity enable one to live happily with oneself and others. In fact, the so called Four Basic Values are not 'basic'. They are the gems of mankind, worthy of practice and upholding. As the monks show these qualities during Pinapata, they are worthy of veneration, respect and gifts.

I wonder long in this Samsara, in the quest for the true teachings and eventually found this supreme teaching unintentionally. I, Dhammasiri was touched and in tears during the Pinapata Novitiate 2010. Dear Comrades, Brothers and Sisters in Dhamma. Quick! Follow me! Keep watching the activities of our Mind and practice all the Four Basic Values with diligent effort.

Emptiness encompasses ‘Somethingness’ and ‘Nothingness’. Shower in the midst of rainfall-like arrows of Mara`s army and troops. Let Emptiness identify and encompass the action and reaction, right and wrong. Let Maras disappear. Empty as it is. Equanimity and composure.

Words from Dhammasiri: The mind is enlightened because the mind knows suffering; the cause and cessation of suffering, and therefore frees itself from suffering. Taking refuge in Dhamma is refuge in Nibbana. Mind arises due to ignorance. Mind ceases due to Nibbana. No one enters Nibbana but Mind itself (Maras disappear).

I would like to offer my sincerest Thank You to Bhante Mahinda and Sister Sumitra, who organised the Novitiate program, an unforgettable lifetime experience for me. Thank you to all the Monks and Nuns, Dhamma Followers, Helpers, Merchants, Workers and all the `Past Lives Parents` who were present and around me. Lastly, my daughter Jiali who encouraged me to join this precious Novitiate program of a lifetime.

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